This dress represents a real change for the Betiko silhouette. For years I've liked a straight close line - skimming the body in selected places, then flaring gently to accentuate rather than reveal. But this dress is different. Not necessarily in the sum of it's parts - it uses the linea top and the full skirt pattern. But in the result of this combination there is something new. I have never, ever before made a design that is belted at the waist. And now I have - and I love it!
As you can see, it is not a closely fitted bodice - it can easily be pulled over your head with no need for a zip. I find this both comfortable and flattering. It also allows for easy fitting for different body types - if it fits at the bust (in most cases) the rest will follow. (I find this aspect very important as my own body defies any known size chart!). The pockets add visual width at the skirt, accentuating the waist and overall silhouette.
Tea dress in African wax fabric |
The Peony dress |
I thought I was a bit new and cutting edge using the wax fabric, but I see lots of other people are using it too. Not surprising really - it is a lovely close weave pure cotton with a fabulous array of prints and colors AND it's really nice to sew AND really nice to wear.
New Tea dresses will be available in the on-line shop next week, and custom orders are welcome :).